vineri, 11 aprilie 2014

Pi by Phi - Software

Acest program calculeaza exact, fara erorile obtinute in practica datorate aproximarii valorii lui Pi:

Lungimea si Aria Cercului
Perimetrul si Aria Elipsei
Suprafata si Volumul Conului
Suprafata si Volumul Trunchiului de Con
Suprafata si Volumul Cilindrului
Suprafata si Volumul Sferei
Volumul Elipsoidului

1) in functie de valoarea lui Pi real (3.1446...), determinata in relatie cu Numarul de Aur (1.618...)
2) in functie de valoarea lui Pi "oficial" (3.1415...)

- Acum si in limba engleza
- Salveaza in format PDF valorile pentru fiecare forma/corp geometric.

 DOWNLOAD   (versiunea  Freeware

This software calculates exactly without the approximation errors obtained in practice due to the value of Pi:

Length and Area of the circle
Perimeter and Area of the ellipse
Surface and Volume of the cone
Area and volume of the truncated cone
Surface and volume of the cylinder
Area and volume of the sphere
Volume of the ellipsoid

1) depending on the value of real Pi (3.1446 ...) determined in relation to The Golden Number (1.618 ...)

2) depending on the value of "official" Pi (3.1415 ...)

- save as PDF the values for each geometrical form / body

keywords: pi by phi, pi, phi, the golden number, numarul de aur

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